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Professor Brian Skinner (owner)

Professor Brian Skinner (owner) photo Professor Brian Skinner (owner)

Brian "The Riot" Skinner

-Owner of Kingman Riot MMA

-Professional Mixed Martial Artist

-2019 Middle weight expert Naga World Champion

-Black belt in kickboxing- wkc certified

- Master Muay Thai teaching Certification. 

-Black Belt in Bjj under Jay Page 

-Ceritified Personal Trainer ASFA

-MMACA Certified

- ASFA group training 

-15 years teaching experience 

- weight cut specialist under Lockhart and leith.

I've been training in Martial Arts for 26 years. Started Martial arts as a young boy in Judo and Tae-kwon do. Then found my way to Kickboxing, Jiu-jitsu, boxing and MMA as a young man. I fought professionally and have had thee privilege and honour to build and coach a fighter to 2 national championships which we still currently hold. Martial arts has given me so much. I became a trainer to be who I needed growing up. My main focus is on our future... our youth. Stronger minds and stronger bodies.